Honor and Awards

Rank 1 in Graduate Students

  • Ranked 1 among peer graduate students in Faculty of Engineering, Kharazmi University of Tehran, Iran.

Enrolled at Kharazmi University of Tehran.

  • Admitted to Kharazmi University of Tehran, Achieved top 1% place among all applicants of the Nationwide University Entrance Exam for M.Sc. in Computer Engineering (Ranked 172 out of Approximately 20000 applicants).

Ranked in top 5 among 60 peer undergraduate students

  • Ranked in top 5 among 60 peer undergraduate students in the last two years in Computer Engineering Department, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.

Enrolled at University of Zanjan, secured top 2% in nationwide entrance.

  • I was granted admission to the University of Zanjan for the pursuit of Computer Engineering studies, attaining a position within the upper 2% among candidates in the Nationwide University Entrance Exam.